The lowdown
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low·down /ˈlōdoun/ noun:
1. the true facts or relevant information about something.
1. the true facts or relevant information about something.
Takeo Hiromitsu
A hand-printed special collection of letterpress and screenprinted stationary pieces for subscribers tospread the light.
Your support allows us to empower these young, emerging and curious artists to share their voices through tangible and quality limited edition print goods.
Limited edition goes to CSA subscribers.
Our CSA {Community Supported Art} program is growing collection of amazing designs created and hand-printed at The Project Shop. Featured artists collaborate with Shop artists to develop, produce and deliver an outstanding print edition. Artists are taught new techniques and offered the opportunity to stretch outside their comfort zones.
Our CSA {Community Supported Art} program is growing collection of amazing designs created and hand-printed at The Project Shop. Featured artists collaborate with Shop artists to develop, produce and deliver an outstanding print edition. Artists are taught new techniques and offered the opportunity to stretch outside their comfort zones.

Artist Statement about the Design
All of the elements of this design lead me to questions of choice and meaning. Do I have free will? What is the relationship of free will to being alive? If I am the figure falling into the golden field of cosmic horror. Was I conscious before the fall, or did my consciousness awaken amidst the fall? Would these differences change the implications or meaning? These threads, woven, tangled, are me struggling with nihilism and being stuck in a cognitive loop. The Question/Directive on the back of the shirt is a doorway. A way into action and embodiment, that to me, can dissolve the mental stranglehold that nihilism provides me.
The Question/Directive was written in my left hand on a piece of my desk notes, I have a practice of having large pieces of paper covering my desk so I can write or doodle and procrastinate. My left hand is more honest, exacting and less accurate. The hot air balloon monkey fishing and falling figure is a drawing of feeling with India ink and nibs on cotton rag. I like these marks, the movement. A golden background is derived from my intaglio prints. These prints signify a time in my life when the meaning making system of my childhood entered the deconstructive process of post-modern conceptualizations.
I think knowing any of this is unimportant. It is the Question/Directive that drives us.
All of the elements of this design lead me to questions of choice and meaning. Do I have free will? What is the relationship of free will to being alive? If I am the figure falling into the golden field of cosmic horror. Was I conscious before the fall, or did my consciousness awaken amidst the fall? Would these differences change the implications or meaning? These threads, woven, tangled, are me struggling with nihilism and being stuck in a cognitive loop. The Question/Directive on the back of the shirt is a doorway. A way into action and embodiment, that to me, can dissolve the mental stranglehold that nihilism provides me.
The Question/Directive was written in my left hand on a piece of my desk notes, I have a practice of having large pieces of paper covering my desk so I can write or doodle and procrastinate. My left hand is more honest, exacting and less accurate. The hot air balloon monkey fishing and falling figure is a drawing of feeling with India ink and nibs on cotton rag. I like these marks, the movement. A golden background is derived from my intaglio prints. These prints signify a time in my life when the meaning making system of my childhood entered the deconstructive process of post-modern conceptualizations.
I think knowing any of this is unimportant. It is the Question/Directive that drives us.